A leading challenge in mastering Business Administration is to address and resolve various innate; but often incongruent existential cultures and polity within enterprise.
A diversity of cultures within enterprise is both ‘its strength’, but is also more often than not the root of ‘gratuitous usury’, and the latter leading to erosion of business brand potential and market value for shareholders, stakeholders and brand consumers alike.
Commonly, incongruent and conflicting existential cultures manifests itself between, Equity Holders with Employees and Marketeers with Producers; severely limiting the productivity efficiency, performance and financial investment returns, as a direct measure of the efficacy of an enterprise.
Re-coding an IOT-Enterprise for a shared existential reality, is to secure a common behavioural ethos of “All for One and One for All” in effort and working as a collective to achieve a “win-win-win” Trifecta outcome; as manifest of shared philanthropic immanent values governing the individual’s personal existential aspirations, while nurturing individuals harness the limitless potential, performance and capabilities of a coherent, creative, and altruist enterprise.
Koherent Kaleidaprism